Contact this Consultant
- Phone: (909) 202-8494
Profession: Physician (MD or DO)
Current ABMS or AOA Board Specialty and Subspecialty Certification(s): Gastroenterology
License: California
Additional Information: To Whom It May Concern, I have close to 18 years experience in practicing gastroenterology. I am have been the Chief of Section of Gastroenterology for over 15 years. I am a Clinical Professor. I have over 10 years of experience in performing file reviews. I have received outstanding evaluations on my file reviews. I have experiences in treating patients in various aspects of gastroenterology as well as endoscopy.,
Education: BA-Northwestern and MD-University of Chicago
Years in Practice: 16+ years
Current Hospital Privileges (Excluding Courtesy): VA Loma Linda Healthcare System
Number of file reviews previously performed: 100+ file reviews
Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 41 to 80 hours