Occupational Medicine File Review Consultants
Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants. The following list of board certified Occupational Medicine physicians are available to provide a Medical file review, Utilization review, Chart review, Peer review, Second opinion (2nd opinion), Underwriting report, Disability opinion, Pre-authorization, etc.
Manijeh Berenji, MD MPH
Oxnard, California
Occupational Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine, Toxicology
Certified Medico-Legal Evaluator (through International Academy of Independent Medical Examiners)
MA Flores, DO, MS, MMM
riverside, California
Family Medicine/Family Practice, Occupational Medicine
Dual Board Certified in Occupational Medicine and Family Medicine. Masters in Environmental Toxicology and Medical Management. Licensed in 30 states. Expert reviewer capable of expedited turn around times, specializing in Worker's Comp Utilization Review and Peer Review.
Tim Lawler, DO, MPH, LCP-C
Cardinal Medical Services, Inc
San Diego, California
Occupational Medicine
Dr. Tim Lawler is board certified in Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Physician Life Care Planning certified. He actively practices as the Associate Medical Director at a large multi-specialty group in San Diego, CA. Dr. Lawler’s career is marked by a series of prominent roles, including serving as the President of multi-clinic Occupational Medicine practice in the state of Wisconsin. Over his career - and on a weekly basis, Dr. Lawler reviews and manages cases for long term disability management. He currently holds active licenses in California, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
Nkiruka J. Ndu (Akabike), MD, FACP, CCHP, QME
Justlaw Medical Services
Visalia, Fresno Metropolis, California
Addiction Medicine, Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine
*Perform second level appeals for Independent Review Organizations according to URAC/NCQA standards such as medical necessity determinations, healthcare
authorizations and denials.
*Perform chart reviews for beneficiaries of commercial health plans to determine medical necessity and length of stay.
*Perform health care authorization and denials for diagnostic tests and
Russell C Tontz, MD, MPH, MEd
North Andover, Massachusetts
Aerospace Medicine, Family Medicine/Family Practice, Occupational Medicine
US Air Force Residency Trained in Aerospace & recently moved from Instructor in Preventive Medicine from Mayo Clinic to Harvard Medical School and School of Public Health teaching appointment for the Harvard Occupational Medicine Residency. California-certified QME.
Thomas Winters, MD
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Board Certified in Internal Medicine
Board Eligible in Infectious Disease
Board Certified Occupational Medicine
Certified Medical Review Officer
Certified Independent Medical Examiner
Joseph Guarino, MD, MPH
Reidsville, North Carolina
Occupational Medicine
Scott E. Singer, MD, MPH
MedSource One
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Occupational Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine
Dr. Singer is a board certified occupational and environmental physician, who is known among his peers as a strong causation expert - extensive file review experience in disability evaluations or occupational medicine cases.
Masters in Public Health (MD, MPH)
Concussion cases
Work Injury file reviews
Covid case determinations
Exposure assessments
Workers Compensation related concerns
Litigation/Testifying experience
Louise Banks, MD,MPH
Louise Banks,MD,LLC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Residency-trained and board certified in both occupational medicine and internal medicine with extensive disability file review experience. SEAK alumna.
Michael Jurenovich, DO, CIME, FAADEP
greenville, Pennsylvania
Occupational Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon. Also certified with American Board of Independent Medical Examiners, American Association of Disability Evaluating Physicians, and the American Board of Disability Analysts. Associate Professor of Surgery at LECOM and OUCOM. IME and file review experience for over 20 years. Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons.
Stephanie Kao, MD, MPH
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Board certified Internal Medicine physician, in Occupational Medicine clinical practice for >20 years; with extensive background in the area of disability evaluation, personal injuries resulting from occupational injuries or motor vehicle accident, musculoskeletal issues and pain management procedures.
Scott Cygan, DO, MPH
Landrum, South Carolina
Aerospace Medicine, Occupational Medicine
I'm a board certified physician in Occupational Medicine and Aerospace Medicine with over 13 years of clinical experience. I have experience in worker's compensation, disability ratings, impairment ratings, longterm disability evaluations, Veterans healthcare, and independent medical examinations. My additional certifications include DOT Certified Medical Examiner, Medical Review Officer, and Certified Independent Medical Examiner. I've performed over 500 medical review cases.
You can also find Occupational Medicine File Review Consultants who are licensed in:
California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina