Contact this Consultant
- Phone: 361-392-1100
Profession: Chiropractor, Pharmacology, and Nurse Practioner
Licenses: New Mexico, North Carolina, and Texas
Additional Information: 30+ years experience as personal injury chiropractor and pharmacist. Well-reasoned in legal testimony. 6 years experience as family nurse practitioner. 10 years extensive experience in claims review. Prompt, efficient turn-around of reviews. References and/or CV available. Licensed in multiple states. Call 361-392-1100 or [email protected]
Education: D.C.-National University of Health Sciences, M.S.N.-Herzing University, and B.S. Pharmacy-University of Houston
Years in Practice: 16+ years
Number of file reviews previously performed: 100+ file reviews
Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 80+ hours