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Profession: Physician (MD or DO)

Current ABMS or AOA Board Specialty and Subspecialty Certification(s): Pain and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

License: California

Additional Information: Dr. Hamilton Chen is board certified by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners. Dr. Chen is also board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine. Dr. Chen has extensive experience with medical and interventional pain management, neuromodulation including spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation, and intrathecal pumps. He has completed over 1000+ medical file reviews in his specialty. Dr. Chen currently practices full time in private practice in the Inland Empire in Southern California.

Education: MD-State University of New York, Downstate College of Medicine

Years in Practice: 6 to 15 years

Number of file reviews previously performed: 100+ file reviews

Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 41 to 80 hours