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Founded in 2010, the SEAK National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants is the only resource in the industry designed specifically to provide doctors file review assignments to assist health and disability insurers by offering your opinions on medical necessity and ability to work.


  Earn $85-$200 or more per hour, working from home, performing disability and utilization reviews for insurance companies and their intermediaries.

•  No formal file review training or experience is required.

•  File reviews are all done electronically, and therefore can be done from your home office or anywhere you have access to a computer. 

•  This work is low stress, involves no treating physician relationship, physical examination, or testifying in depositions or hearings.

•  Reviewing charts for insurance companies and their intermediaries is an excellent way to stay current on the latest medical developments within your specialty, while at the same time being compensated for your time.

•  Allows you to diversify your revenue sources.

Frequently asked questions about SEAK’s File Review Directory

Q. What type of questions will I be asked to comment on?
A.  Physicians may be asked to comment on questions posed by the hiring companies in the following areas:

  • Reasonable and necessary care
  • Appropriateness of care
  • Functional status
  • Restrictions and limitations
  • Experimental treatment
  • Disability

Physicians then answer the questions posed in reports which are sent back to the companies electronically.

Q.  Reports
Depending on the size of the file and the complexity of the questions posed, the reports may be one page for simple questions (e.g.  Does the claimant qualify for Botox treatment for her migraines?) to lengthy reports for more complex questions (e.g.  Does the claimant qualify for a kidney transplant, or in-patient drug detoxification, or other costly treatment?).

Q.  How large is the demand for file reviews?
A.  Enormous and growing.  Physicians are needed to perform millions of file reviews per year.  The ACA is adding millions of people to the insurance rolls, further driving demand.

Q.  Why is your file review directory so popular?
A.  This work can be done at home, is low stress, does not require any patient contact or travel and almost never results in having to testify. In addition, performing file reviews is an excellent way to stay current on the latest medical developments while at the same time, being compensated for your time.

Q. Do I need specific training to do File Reviews?
A.  No, no formal file review training or experience is required.

Q.  How much will I be paid?
A.  $85-$200 or more per hour depending upon your specialty, and the type of review you are performing.

Q.  Do I need to have an active medical license?
A.  Yes.

Q. Do I need to be board certified?
A. Yes.

Q.  Do I need to maintain an active medical practice?
A.  Not necessarily, this depends upon the type of reviews you do, how well you perform the reviews and the requirements of your client.

Q.  What types of referral sources typically request file reviews?
A.  Health Insurers, Disability Insurers, Life Insurers, Casualty Insurers, Workers’ Compensation Insurers, Self-Insureds, Life Insurance Settlement Organizations, Medical Management Companies, Utilization Review Companies, Third Party Administrators, and Hospitals

View the Medical File Review Directory (pdf)

Here’s what your colleagues and referral sources are saying:

"Just wanted to let you all know that I’m intentionally going to let my listing lapse at this time. Six months ago I accepted a position as Associate Medical Director with one of the companies I was performing review work for, so I’m not currently taking on any new work. As a single parent, having far greater control over my workday has been such a blessing for me. Thank you so much for the work that you do!"

"Thanks to SEAK I’ve recently been hired as a full time medical director with a file review company!"

“In the past 18 months, the SEAK Medical File Review Directory has generated over 300 referrals, which has resulted in $100,000 in business. Thank you!”

"I am busier than a one armed paper hanger, thanks to your directory and the connections its led me to." 

"From your Directory, I have been contacted by about 5 companies, each company has requested between 200 - 600 chart reviews"

"I was listed in the SEAK File Review Directory for a year, and in addition to offers for "prn" case review work, a company called about a job which, full time, would pay $200,000 plus benefits, and part  time, 3 days per week, $120,000 plus benefits."

“Thanks to being a part of your directory I am basically slammed.  Happily slammed, by the way. I have recommended your directory and your course to a number of people.  Thank you!”

“I have gained at least four new business clients from the directory.  Two of which are using my services frequently!  I wish I would have listed with SEAK years ago when I was developing my consulting business. Thank you!”

“We use the SEAK National Directory of Medical File Reviewers frequently to locate doctors to do file reviews. We have hired 20+ doctors in the last three months alone. Your website and yearly books that are published are a vital tool to locate physicians.”

“I am now doing a fairly brisk file review business, thanks in part to your course and Directory.  I have cut down my clinical practice to about 50%, and no longer do inpatient work...whew!!!”

“I registered with your Directory last year as an experiment, and it turned out to be a very useful investment. I'll be recommending it to friends and colleagues. Many thanks.”

"Last year, I signed up for your directory and was impressed by the immediate responses I received."

"I am happy to report that thanks to SEAK I was recently contacted by one of the organizations that provides disability review services to the insurance industry. As you may remember, I attended the Disability Consulting for Physicians conference. Well, two weeks ago I received a call from Seattle asking my interest in providing review of short-term and long-term disability cases. The caller indicated that he had received my name from SEAK. So, I want to extend my personal appreciation for your insight in putting on the conference."

"I have been getting several file review jobs from the SEAK listings!  I would like to kindly request a copy of the SEAK Expert Witness Directory as well.  I am considering adding myself to this directory as well. Thank you!"

“I use your SEAK Directories often to locate doctors. I take them with me to meetings so I can look up what I need, away from my computer. I get a very good response from your Medical File Review Directory.”

“We frequently use the SEAK Directory to locate doctors for File Reviews and find it very helpful.”

"We have found your directory to be a good resource for recruitment of peer reviewers in specialty areas where we may need additional reviewers. We appreciate having the directory available."

“This is a handy reference guide which I will share with our TPAs.”

“We appreciate all the work that goes into publishing these directories and we use them all the time.”

"From your Directory, I have had 5 or 6 referrals, of which, now I work with 2 regularly."

“I found the file review very interesting, challenging and actually learned from my reviews.”

“Your directory is by far the best, in my experience.”

 “Thanks to my listing with SEAK, I've become Medical File Review Consultant for three organizations. I receive regular work from them but see my work with them as a diversification of income source.”

 “I got a great customer from u guys and now I am too busy!  I would highly recommend your organization, and I do.”

 “I think the directory is terrific”

 “At this point because I now have so much review work (repeat from certain clients) that I can't really take on any more at the current time with my clinical schedule. (it is a testimony of the success of the listing).”

"I have been performing weekly workman's compensation case reviews for [a large file review company] thanks to listing with your Physician File Review Directory."

Questions? Please contact Alex Babitsky at (508) 457-5150 or

SEAK, Inc. was founded in 1980 and is an ACCME accredited continuing education firm.  For more information please visit

SEAK reserves the absolute right to refuse to accept or to remove any existing listings. Your sole remedy in such instances will be the refund of your applicable listing fee(s).